Post Oceanic Wonders
Duo with Kasper Holm Jensen at SKAL Contemporary
Dynamisk skildring af meteorologisk ophobning, video projection on sandblasted glass, 2022
Music by ilinx (Laura Marie Madsen, Anna Sophie Mæhl og Amanda Appel).
Statisk skildring af meteorologisk gennemstrømning, glass sculptures, sand.
Sculptures created by Karen Nyholm with assistance from Magdalena Køb and Ida Cordius.

The area north of Jyske Ås was seabed in the last ice age, and the distinctive maritime foreland is the only visible remains of the past and the history about the appearance of this land we now know as Skagens Odde. In Post Oceanic Wonders Luna Lund Jensen and Kasper Holm Jensen seeks to unfold stories and mythologies about this area where the natural forces still control life and landscapes with newly produced works in glass, calcium, and as a video and sound installation.
The history of Skagens Odde is brutal with a series of doomsday- like reports from the 18. century where the fleeting sand literally ate peoples houses and even whole towns. The natural forces – both the wind and the sea – have challenged the stubborn citizens of this area and do still play a massive role in life in this area. With this history in mind Post Oceanic Wonders offers a vision for the future that is not necessarily comforting or wishful but might be realistic in terms of global warming and a new ice age coming up due to the weakened Gulf Stream.
The fleeing sand dunes in the 18. century happened due to a colder climate because of what we today call “the small ice age”. The cooler climate also happened to be more violent with stronger wind that forced the big masses of sand to move. And who knows, maybe this could happen again?
Exhibition text by Sara Løvschall Grøntved and Anne Møller Christensen